Friday, August 1, 2008

Assignment 5-1

Memory Sticks

Well this is it, my last weekly blog for this class. Hurrah!!! Just kidding, it has been interesting. I decided to write about something that I finally took the time to discover that I am sure many other people have already known about or use. The memory stick, or junk drive, or usb stick or whatever you prefer to call it.

I finally broke down and bought one after my computer crashed for the second time in 4 months. Since I have never had a problem with my other computers I didn't really have a need to save my information anywhere else. Boy, oh boy, what a mistake that turned out to be. I lost all of my homework assignments that I had done, and some pictures which I downloaded but saved on my digital camera. The memory stick has served its purpose. I have used at least 2 different computers in the last 2 weeks to get my work done, and if not for this little stick, I would probably being carrying around a couple of cd's .

The thing I have most recently noticed about the memory stick is how it has changed it the past 5 years. When I first started nursing school, some people had them, but I never paid much attention. They were these black stick things that you could put on a key chain or a lanyard or whatever you wanted. Since I have invested in one, I noticed that you can get them in just about any color you want, not to mention relatively large storage is available, mine personally is 4GB. These little sticks are amazing. Not only can you put a cover on your cell phone or your ipod but now your memory stick can match too.

While I am over having a cell phone and computer, I realized I have a new found infatuation with this item. They are worth having even you don't plan on using anyone else's computer to do your homework; they are a great way to backup your data and not take up much room.


Brandi said...

Great topic. Of course, I've always been a litte worried about jump drives - anyone can get a full download of files from any computer, with very little "attention". I think this is a particularly huge risk in a business environment. Technology is advancing so rapidly, so I suppose there will be perceived downsides to everything. On the positive, it is a handy tool when you're in school! :-)

Anonymous said...

Very informative!! Thank you!! I didn't even know there was such a thing. I have a hard time keeping up with technology.

Dave said...

I have bee carrying one for several years. My first one was 512MB and cost over $100. My current drive is 8GB and was less than $30. It is much easier to carry than a stack of CD's for fixing PC's. The important thing to remember is to be sure the drive holds the correct version of you documents.

Andrew Brownfield said...

I keep a couple around as secondary backups. I know that where we work, I have them disabled because it is so easy for someone to put one in copy the contents of the computer and walk off with it. I keep one loaded with diagnostic programs for computers, but still carry around a lot of stuff on disc, because you never know if the PC you are going to work on either a.) has USB or b.) supports booting from it.

Leah said...

I have used the stick for about a year. They certainly have come down in price and OH! how much nicer they are than CD's. Great post