Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Assignment 1-4

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana, and Miley Stewart, are one in the same person. A cute girl, a famous dad, and star of the Disney hit series show Hannah Montana.

So how does a girl barely 15, end up in Vanity Fair and one of the most talked about stars in such a short period of time? Chalk it up to the politics of show business. The way the rumors were flying, you would have thought Miley Cyrus was posing naked for Vanity Fair, when in reality; she posed for beautiful, artful pictures of herself with her family at her side.

It's sad that she felt the need to give a heartfelt apology to her fans for these pictures. When in truth there really wasn't anything to be sorry for. If anyone would have taken the time to read the article in Vanity Fair, they would know the truth behind those photos. It was nothing more than a simple photo shoot and the photographer wanted to add her own element of style to the pictures. As stated in Vanity Fair (Handy, 2008), Miley Cyrus comments on the photos, "I think it's really artsy. It wasn't in a skanky way."

While Cyrus may be Disney's crown jewel (Handy, 2008) she is an extremely grounded and talented young lady. I feel she should have no regrets for those photos, or for just still trying to be a kid at times.

If you would like to view more of the photos from the photo shoot go to the Vanity Fair website. ( link has been removed per guidelines of

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