Thursday, July 31, 2008

Journal Article Analysis


I picked this article because I thought how hard could it be to analyze an article about tattoos, especially since I have one. After reading my selection, I found it to be a little mundane. I have to honestly say that I was not completely intrigued by this information.

Let's talk about America being a tattooed nation. This article reads about mainstream celebrities and suburban America consuming tattoos. It speaks little about the reality of the hardcoreness from which tattoos emerged. I do however have to agree with this writer when Kosut (2006) states, "The community of new tattooees transcends age, class and ethnic boundaries. In 2002, it is reported that 20% of the American population is tattooed. The entertainment industry also promotes tattooing. From actors and actresses to athletes, tattoos are everywhere.

The entertainment industry is chock full of tattoos whether the character be real of fictional. Kosut (2006) goes on to say that the 2002 Blockbuster film XXX starring Vin Diesel used his heavily tattooed body for advertisement to promote the movie. While XXX is fictional, Pamela Anderson, The Rock, and Angelina Jolie are not, all of whom sport a tattoo. Not to mention Cher and Johnny Depp who Kosut (2006) terms elder tattoo aficionados.

The entertainment area also includes the music industry and athletes. These come complete with tattooed people such as Axel Rose, Bret Michaels and Dennis Rodman. There are still those who can't wait to grow up to become rock stars and get tattooed, mimic people such as Dennis Rodman.

Let's finally turn to advertising. With all the gimmicks available who would have thought tattoos could steal the spotlight? It is reported in this article that NBA officials have ruled against players being human billboards, but as we all know – if the money is right… or so states Stephon Marbury of the Phoenix Suns. Visa even jumped on the bandwagon in 2001 promoting that you can charge everything, including your body modifications. This is in alliance with clothing manufacturers who let models with tattoos show them off and those who don't…well that can be fixed.

Consuming tattoos has its own appeal. Kosut (2006) states that receiving a tattoo is a lengthy ritualistic and increasingly medicalized procedure. HUH? Ok, so it may take an hour for a reasonably small tattoo but if your wants and desires have to have it big then so be it, but that goes for the time it takes as well. Besides we wait for hours anyway, well maybe not all at once, but what better way to spend an hour or two. Kosut (2006) goes on to degrade the healing process. I, however, found this process to be quite short in comparison to her detailed story. I had no constant pain every time my tattoo was touched, I had no peeling or shedding as she states is the case. Everyone heals differently and some people will go through the more elaborate healing stages than others, but then again, that will depend on the size of the tattoo you get.

Kosut (2006) continues on with what I call gibberish, but in the end what I really get out of the article is that she seems to be upset or jealous if you will, that she herself is unable to be consumer of this 'ironic fad' and consume a tattoo herself.




Kosut, M. (2206, December). An ironic fad: The commodification and consumption of tattoos. Journal of Popular Culture , 39(6), 1035-1048. Retrieved June 5, 2008, doi:10.1111/j.1540-5931.2006.00333.x



Friday, July 25, 2008

Assignment 4-1

Fuel Efficient Cars

With gas prices up and the economy down, buying a car today is a bigger decision than ever. For those who are thinking about buying a car, there are many options to consider. From payment amount and gas mileage to maintenance costs, these items can add up quickly.

Fuel efficient vehicles seem to be solving many of these problems for people. Websites like (2008) can show you the best and worst fuel efficient cars and trucks. They tell you new EPA MPG and MPG estimates from actual drivers. It lists fuel economics, energy impact score, carbon footprint, and EPA air pollution score. Many of these items can be extremely useful.

Sites like (2008) have a green vehicle guide which essentially tells you the same kinds of things only you can choose a car by state for demographics. Both of these sites allow you to do side by side comparisions.


EPA. (2008). Retrieved July 14, 2008, from (2008). Retrieved July 14, 2008, from

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Assignment 3-1


iCarly is a hit series on Nickelodeon. It is a show about a young girl who lives with her older brother Spence, who is also her guardian. Her father is in the Navy and is at sea. She produces her own web casts from her attic (Emily, 2007). This is her attempt at being a good role model rather than looking for fame or fortune. This show is also the "First scripted series that will incorporate kid-created original content" (IMDb, 2008).

This show appeals to preteens and teens alike probably due to the general age population on the show, and the chemistry between the actors. The show is interactive because viewers can even send in their own personal videos of their talent, and maybe even end up on the show. Viewers can even email questions for the characters to answer.

The main characters are Carly Shay played by Miranda Cosgrove, Sam Puckett played by Jennette McCurdy, Freddie Benson played by Nathan Kress, and Spencer Shay played by Jerry Trainor (Wikipedia,2008). Miranda and Jerry both starred on Drake and Josh, another hit show on Nickelodeon. Jennette has appeared on Malcolm in the Middle and Zoey 101, shows aimed at preteen and teens. Freddie has appeared on The suite life of Zack and Cody, and has done numerous voiceovers for movies.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Assignment 2-1

PEZ Candy and Dispensers

Remember when you were a little kid, and your parents would take you to the five and dime, or a Benjamin Franklin's store? I know I do. One of my favorite things to get was PEZ candy and a new dispenser. Sometimes you could get a sack of PEZ, about 4 or 5, with a new dispenser. I liked to look and see what new heads they had out, and it was so hard to choose.

PEZ originated in Austria, in 1927, they were made of peppermint and used as an alternative to smoking (Wikipedia, 2008). In 1952, they were introduced to the United States, and in 1955 they added heads to the dispensers and marketed them for children. They come in a variety of flavors, and now they have returned the original peppermint flavor. PEZ candies are little brick like pieces, that fit neatly into a PEZ dispenser, and when you want one you lift the head of the dispenser and voila, PEZ at your disposal.

I know that they are PEZ collectors all over the world, but I was never one of them. In fact, I had really forgotten all about the wonderful world of PEZ, until my daughter asked me I wanted a piece of candy. I, of course, could not say no, as to the fact it was one of my favorite things growing up. WOW! What a shock, when did these little candies become so gross tasting? Anyway, thanks to my 12 year old, I now fondly remember buying PEZ candy and dispensers. While the taste may not be as I remember it, the fun of picking out a dispenser clouds my thoughts.

Once again, PEZ is becoming a hot item to have. But there are a lot more heads to choose from nowadays. It is interesting to see an old item come back to life and let me remember yet another fond moment from childhood.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Assignment 2-2


Sesame Street is an educational and entertaining show for preschoolers. It involves the use of muppets, humans and cartoon segments. Originally airing in the late 1960's, it is one of the longest running shows in television today.

Ronald McDonald is the official mascot of McDonald's. He was created by Willard Scott and is regularly aired in commercials with kids in everyday life.

Paul Harvey is a radio broadcaster for ABC. He broadcasts every morning, mid-day, and noon on Saturday. He is most notably famous for his 'The Rest of the Story' segments.

I chose these icons because they represent an element of my youth. I grew up watching Sesame Street even before I went to school, so for me this is a fun program to watch. On the rare occasion we were able to go to McDonald's and get a happy meal, I would always hold out hope that he would be there. Paul Harvey, I can remember my great grandfather and grandfather listening to him on the radio. I loved to visit my relatives even as a teenager, because I looked forward to knowing we would listen to the Paul Harvey show. My grandfather still listens to the show today, as does my husband. I try to listen on the rare occasion I can turn off the cartoons.

Once again all 3 icons remind me of childhood. Watching Sesame Street reminds me of what it was like to be a child. No cares, no worries, except maybe learning to write the alphabet, and even that was fun. Since I grew up in a small town, going out to eat at a fast food restaurant was a special treat. I could order my own happy meal and would get a surprise toy. What could be better! Hearing Paul Harvey just reminds me of going to visit my grandparents, great grandparents, and my aunt, they all lived within one mile of each other. It meant I could play with my cousin and my uncle. We would go down to the creek, play hide and seek in the barn or play baseball. We would ride our bikes for hours. The grownups would all hang out on the front porch and talk, while we kids played.

These icons are a fond remembrance of my youth and what I hope for, for my children.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Assignment 1-2

Popular Culture

Pop culture is what is in the here and now; everyone knows about it or has heard of it. Items like the iPod, cell phones, HD television and radio, On Star. Even internet sites like My Space and Facebook. Popular culture defines us and our surroundings by the items we choose to incorporate into our lives.

Pop culture is who we are, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. It is all around us. It can define every aspect of your life, who you are, what you eat, and the clothes you wear. Businesses follow these trends too; they help you buy into pop culture, by making and selling the items.

The current artifact of pop culture that I chose is My Space. Almost everyone has account, and knows what it is. Here is a picture of my own My Space page.

Assignment 1-4

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana, and Miley Stewart, are one in the same person. A cute girl, a famous dad, and star of the Disney hit series show Hannah Montana.

So how does a girl barely 15, end up in Vanity Fair and one of the most talked about stars in such a short period of time? Chalk it up to the politics of show business. The way the rumors were flying, you would have thought Miley Cyrus was posing naked for Vanity Fair, when in reality; she posed for beautiful, artful pictures of herself with her family at her side.

It's sad that she felt the need to give a heartfelt apology to her fans for these pictures. When in truth there really wasn't anything to be sorry for. If anyone would have taken the time to read the article in Vanity Fair, they would know the truth behind those photos. It was nothing more than a simple photo shoot and the photographer wanted to add her own element of style to the pictures. As stated in Vanity Fair (Handy, 2008), Miley Cyrus comments on the photos, "I think it's really artsy. It wasn't in a skanky way."

While Cyrus may be Disney's crown jewel (Handy, 2008) she is an extremely grounded and talented young lady. I feel she should have no regrets for those photos, or for just still trying to be a kid at times.

If you would like to view more of the photos from the photo shoot go to the Vanity Fair website. ( link has been removed per guidelines of